
Do you like going out for a walk, but not too far, and without stiles?  Do you like going to different places – parks or local villages or footpaths and towpaths?


And do you like having someone to talk to while doing so?  And having a cup of coffee or tea (and maybe lunch) afterwards?  Are you interested in improving and maintaining your mobility?


If the answer to these is Yes, then the Strollers group of walkers could be for you.  

The group goes out twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays and aims to walk up to 3 miles with no stiles. 

·        Meet at 10.00 - 10.15 am, depending on the location.

·        Wear sensible walking footwear and appropriate comfortable clothing.

·        Bring drink and medication if appropriate.

·        Transport: negotiate own lifts between members (list available from Ros) or use the X3 or X7 bus.

·        There is no charge for meetings; members pay for their own drinks or meals.


 13 March/Great Bowden/Gail & Mary          

27 March/Kibworth village/Josie & Chris P

10 April/Gilmorton/Phill & Carol 

24 April/Kibworth and Smeeton Westerby/Wendy & Bob

8 May/Market Harborough/Ros 

22 May/no walk 

12 June/Mowsley/Ros O & Gail 


26 June/Hallaton/Carol & Phill 


10 July/venue tba/Margaret & Janice 

24 July/Cosby/Ron & Chris S 

14 August/Blaby/Ros H 

28 August/Medbourne/Karen & Jill 

11 September 

25 September 

9 October

23 October

13 November

27 November

11 December 

25 December :No walk

Photo by Gail 

The group's first visit to the village of Mowsley (so named because of its 'mouse-infested fields') was led by Ros O., who told us about the history of some interesting old houses and characterful villagers.  

Local resident John Thorpe kindly allowed us to visit three areas of woodlands he had planted over some 40 years, all of native English species.  He described the uses for the timber produced, and that this is planting is more for future generations than the present day.  

After a peaceful calming rest in the most mature copse, we moved on to visit another private site.  This had been converted from ordinary grassland to a delightful small lake with surrounding paths, where water birds are raising their young.  


Sunny weather on 8 May made a walk along the canal towpath leading to the Market Harborough basin particularly pleasant. 

Photos by Heather and Ros 

On a rare sunny morning in April, the Strollers’ Group set off to walk around the village of Gilmorton (which apparently means “ golden town on the hill”).

The walk was planned and led by Phill Egan and Carol Townend who were anxious that the recent very wet weather would cause some difficulties, since part of the walk included two potentially very muddy fields.

Gilmorton village contains many old and interesting individual houses. It also has a beautiful church of Norman origin and a fascinating village shop/delicatessen/post office/cafe which we were able to look around. 

Towards the latter part of the walk drizzle began again so the group agreed unanimously to cut out the field element and stay as dry and mud free as possible.

Coffee and biscuits were provided in the comfortable bar lounge of the Grey Goose restaurant and we were grateful to the staff who opened early specifically for us. The photo shows us at the lych gate just in front of the church.

Leicester Botanical Gardens

 The group enjoying the stroll on 28th February

The first walk of 2024 took us on a stroll round Little Bowden, once a small village and now a suburb of Market Harborough.  The (almost) mighty River Jordan was crossed over, and the group paused in the churchyard before enjoying a welcome coffee stop in Harborough.   

Photo by Gail

The group's walk around the pretty village of Cosby in early November started in light rain, but dried off by the time we finished.  Trees lining Victory Park and the stream running through the main street looked absolutely stunning in autumnal colours and village ducks appreciated being fed by us. 

Photo by Gail  

A walking tour of the village of North Kilworth, on the borders of Leicestershire and Northamptonshire, enabled us to see its wide variety of houses of different ages.  This historic village, once on the route from Leicester to Rugby, has a wealth of interesting buildings and a well-kept church.  Although it is on a busy main road, it was a pleasure to stroll around the quiet village streets away from the traffic.  Coffee was taken at a  nearby golf club after the walk.

The group returned to Wistow in early October 2023, on a breezy yet sunny day.  From the Rural Centre it was a short walk past an unusual newly-built house to the churchyard at Newton Harcourt (see photo below).  The route then followed the towpath of the Grand Union Canal, Leicester Line, across fields to Wistow church and back to the Rural Centre for a welcome cup of coffee.

A visit to Evington on the outskirts of Leicester enabled us to walk around Shady Lane Arboretum with its delightful woodland walks.  From there we went to Evington Park, a pleasant well-kept city recreation ground with views right across the city; it has impressive sculptures created from old trees.  From there we retired to a local pub for coffee ....

A favourite location for local walks is Foxton Locks.  The group were welcomed by volunteer lock-keepers who showed members round the site.  

The statue of a typical horse used in past times to tow canal barges is very popular with visitors.

Photos by Karen

In June 2023, the group visited Knighton Park on the outskirts of Leicester.  This has many lovely trees and open spaces, and the highlight was the Knighton Sensory Garden.

At East Carlton Countryside Park, visitors were rewarded with the sight of fresh green leaves on the trees and bluebells beneath them, and stunning views across the Welland Valley.

The group visited the Botanic Gardens at Leicester University, including glass houses and formal and informal gardens. . A refreshment stop at Zeph's Cafe in Oadby followed the walk. 

Bouskell Park in Blaby was the venue for an excellent, if damp, autumn walk

Enjoying Coffee in the garden of the Well.